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February 4, 2024

Call for Book Chapter: A Comprehensive Analysis of Economic Structure, Transition, and Transformation in the Balkan Countries: N. Macedonia (1991-2023)

BSF – Center for Political, Economic and Social Research 

– Call for Book Chapters –


Balkan Economies Series (Academic Editorial): 

A Comprehensive Analysis of Economic Structure, Transition, and Transformation in the Balkan Countries: N. Macedonia (1991-2023) 

Invitation to Contribute 

We invite scholars, researchers, and experts to contribute to a forthcoming volume in our “Balkan Economies Series (Academic Editorial)”, dedicated to North Macedonia’s economic journey from 1991 to 2023. This volume aims to present a comprehensive analysis of North Macedonia’s economic structure, transition, and transformation within this period.

Suggested Topics for Submission 

  • Historical Context and Pre-Independence Economic Conditions: Exploring the economic landscape of North Macedonia before 1991.
  • Early Economic Policies, Post-Independence Challenges, and Macroeconomic stability: Analysis of initial economic strategies and hurdles faced by the newly independent Macedonia: “Inflation and Unemployment rate”.
  • Agricultural and Industrial Sector Changes: Examination of transformations in agriculture and industry since independence.
  • Service Sector Growth, Including ICT: Insights into the development of the service sector, with a focus on Information and Communication Technology.
  • Evolution of Banking, Capital Market Development, and Financial Sectors Post-1991: Assessment of changes and growth in banking and finance, interest rate, and money supply since 1991.
  • Trade Policies, Export-Import Dynamics, and Globalization Effects: Analysis of Macedonia’s trade policies, FDI, tax incentives and its interactions with global markets.
  • EU Integration Efforts, Challenges, and Impacts: Reviewing Macedonia’s efforts to integrate into the European Union, and the resulting challenges and impacts.
  • Social Impacts of Economic Changes, Labor Productivity and Competitiveness: Investigating how economic transformations have affected labor, welfare, inequality, technology, and entrepreneurship.
  • Analysis of Economic Crises and Responses: Studying Macedonia’s approach to handling economic crises.
  • Current Trends, Future Challenges, and Opportunities: Predicting future economic trends and identifying potential challenges and opportunities for Macedonia.

Submission Details 

Proposal Deadline: 01 April 2024

Announcement of accepted proposal submission: 20 April 2024

Chapter Deadline: 01 September 2024

Announcement of chapter submission: 20 September 2024

Publication of book: 01 December 2024

Submission link:

Contact us:

General Framework 

  • Chapter Proposal 
    • Length: 750-1000 words.
    • Content: Provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the chapter’s main arguments, methodologies, and findings.
  • Chapter Structure 
    • Length: Each chapter should consist of 6000-9000 words, including footnotes.
    • Language: All chapters must be written in English.
    • Formatting:
      • Use Microsoft Word with a minimum of 2.5 cm margins on all sides.
      • The entire text should be in Times New Roman font.
      • Font Size: Main text should be size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
      • Chapter Title: Should be in capital letters, bold, size 14.
      • Subtitles: Should be in lowercase, regular font, size 12.
  • Tables and Figures 
    • Sequential Numbering: All tables and figures should be numbered in sequential order.
    • Footnotes for Tables: Should be placed directly below the table body and indicated in lowercase.
    • Minimal Usage: Use tables sparingly and ensure they add value to the text.
    • Data Representation: Avoid duplicating data presented in the tables and the text.
  • Peer Review and Publication: 
    • Contributions will undergo peer review for quality and relevance.
  • Additional Notes 
    • Honorarium: There will be a remuneration for the written contribution
  • Editors: Dr. Bujamin Bela, Dr. Serdar Serdaroğlu


Publication Type